
BitProEx is a cutting-edge cryptocurrency exchange that offers a comprehensive range of functionalities designed to meet the diverse needs of the digital trading community. The platform facilitates seamless spot trading, enabling users to effortlessly buy and sell a variety of cryptocurrencies at current market prices. Additionally, BitProEx stands out by providing a peer-to-peer (P2P) trading feature, enabling users to directly exchange cryptocurrencies for fiat currency, enhancing accessibility and flexibility. Beyond trading, BitProEx empowers users through staking opportunities, allowing them to earn rewards by participating in the validation and confirmation of transactions on the blockchain. With support for a curated selection of ten prominent cryptocurrencies, BitProEx ensures a diverse trading experience. This exchange goes beyond mere functionality, placing security and user experience at the forefront, ultimately fostering a thriving trading ecosystem for both beginners and seasoned traders alike.


  • Spot
  • P2P
  • Derivatives
  • Crypto Loan
  • Copy Trading
  • Trading Competition
  • Gift Voucher
  • Referral
  • VIP Tiers
  • Support Ticket
  • Prediction game
  • Simulation Trading
  • B2B API
  • Liquidity API
  • Rest API
  • Technical Documentation
  • Native Token Trading fee

Technology Stack

  • MERN Stack


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Awards & Recognition

We are extremely pleased that reputable publications around the world recognised our superior work.


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